Pioneer Park Tracks


PP Walks

Track Description
Homebush Track

This loop track starts from the campground, crossing a small stream and then gently climbing to a ridge where there are large kaikahikatea and tōtara. The most impressive is a stately tōtara about three metres in diameter. The track then returns via the Burke Hut memorial.

White Pine Track

This track starts from the campground and climbs through regenerating native bush and then through introduced forestry trees. The return leg drops steeply into a native bush gully and zigzags (several times) across the stream before meeting the original track. A left turn takes you back to the campground.

Getting There

To get here follow along Raincliff Road, which will then veer right onto Middle Valley Road. Turn left on to Homebush Road, at the end of the road is the Pioneer Park Campsite where both Homebush and White Pine tracks start.

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